
Libraries to install


# Note:
# See ?strptime() for more on dates and times

Websites that will be helpful today:

Go to (the link above) and copy and paste the following into the test string box.

Associations between fossil diversity and environmental conditions are frequently assessed using globally averaged environmental proxies (Peters & Foote, 2002; Mayhew et al., 2008; Hannisdal & Peters, 2011; Peters et al., 2013)

As nations struggle to support marine protected areas (MPAs) that cross international borders, the maintenance of overall range size, and connectivity among ranges, will only increase in importance (Wells & Day, 2004; Moffitt et al., 2011)

Challenge strings - get the latitude and longitude





Slides for today:

  • on their way

Date parsing

Dates and 'datetimes' can cause a lot of hassle for something seemingly simple.


# Let's look at some date/datetime objects.
# Side note, you'll notice the use of the ::, this is a way to be explicit about
# the package from which you are calling a function. You may have noticed this 
# already in the data wrangling cheatsheet.

# A quote from Hadley's R packages book: "The best practice is to explicitly 
# refer to external functions using the syntax package::function(). This makes 
# it very easy to identify which functions live outside of your package. This 
# is especially useful when you read your code in the future." 

# I use it now to make it clear for you that now() is NOT a base R function. 
# I will also mention that this is how you can specify functions that have been 
# 'masked' by libraries that you load (e.g., the dplyr start up messages that 
# you see when you load dplyr).

## [1] "2015-11-19 09:20:49 EST"
## [1] "2015-11-19"
today() # can be combined with paste() to timestamp exported files 
## [1] "2015-11-19"
# This let's you keep track of a most recent file output!

##  Date[1:1], format: "2015-11-19"

Time to play with dates of different formats

date1 <- '20010102'
date2 <- '2001.01.02'
date3 <- '2001/01/02'
date4 <- '2001-01-02'
# Let's mix it up
date5 <- '2001..01/02'

# If we look at the structure it is a string/character
##  chr "20010102"
as.Date(x = date1, format = '%Y%m%d')
## [1] "2001-01-02"
# POSIX awareness moment
## [1] 16758
posix_time <- as.numeric(today())

## [1] 16758
## [1] "1970-01-01 UTC"
as.Date(posix_time, origin = '1970-01-01')
## [1] "2015-11-19"
as.Date(posix_time, origin = origin)
## [1] "2015-11-19"
# Lubridate magic!
date_strings <- c('20010102', '2001.01.02', '2001..01..02', '2001_01_02', 
       '01/01/02', '2001, January, 2', '2001,_January, 2')

date_dates <- lubridate::ymd(date_strings)

## [1] 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
month(date_dates, label = TRUE)
## [1] Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan
## 12 Levels: Jan < Feb < Mar < Apr < May < Jun < Jul < Aug < Sep < ... < Dec
month(date_dates, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE)
## [1] January January January January January January January
## 12 Levels: January < February < March < April < May < June < ... < December
## [1] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

String manipulation in R

What are regular expressions??

  • a language for pattern matching in strings

  • it’s a way for you to do really, really specific string matching - find and/or replace

  • literals + metacharacters

  • literals

  • exactly what they are

  • metacharacters

  • things that change how you interpret the literals (these characters do something other than what they are)

  • e.g: ?, *, [], ^, $, (), \ , .

  • grep - find a pattern in a character vector

# Let's make a Mickey Mouse string
mms <- c('M. Mouse', 'm. mouse', 'Mickey Mouse', 'mick. mouse')

grep(pattern = 'Mouse', x = mms)
## [1] 1 3
grep(pattern = 'Mouse', x = mms, value = TRUE)
## [1] "M. Mouse"     "Mickey Mouse"
grep(pattern = 'Mouse', x = mms, value = FALSE, = TRUE)
## [1] 1 2 3 4
grep(pattern = 'Mouse', x = mms, value = TRUE, = TRUE)
## [1] "M. Mouse"     "m. mouse"     "Mickey Mouse" "mick. mouse"
# Using gsub to make replacements
gsub(pattern = 'Mickey', replacement = 'Minnie', x = mms)
## [1] "M. Mouse"     "m. mouse"     "Minnie Mouse" "mick. mouse"
# Or if we want to find more than one thing, we can use the OR operator '|'
gsub(pattern = 'Mickey|mick', replacement = 'Minnie', x = mms)
## [1] "M. Mouse"      "m. mouse"      "Minnie Mouse"  "Minnie. mouse"
# Introduction to regular expressions

# returns logical vector
#grepl(pattern = 'Mouse', x = mms)

gsub - find and replace

Regular expression: patterns

Regular expression: patterns


  • What does a+ match?
    • is it the literal {a+}?
    • or is it {a, aa, aaa, …}?
    • answer: it depends!


Citations \([^(MPAs)].*\)

challenge strings (-?._-?.)


regular expressions

library(dplyr) library(stringr)

ll_regex <- ’(-?\d.\d(_)-?\d.\d)\(' extracted <- str_extract(ts\)SampleID, ll_regex) lat_long <- str_split_fixed(extracted, “_“, 2) #lat_long

ts\(Lat <- lat_long[, 1] ts\)Lon <- lat_long[, 2]

write.csv(ts, ‘TSforCIEE_latlong.csv’)

example string:

c(‘Barnstable County’, ‘Berkshire County’, ‘Bristol County’, ‘Dukes County’, ‘Essex County’)

strs <- c('ARCTIC_OCEAN_DRIFTING_STATION_SEVERNYI_POLYUS_19_Nansen_closing_net_333_um_mesh_3090_85.9_-47.0333', 

str_extract(strs, '(-?\\d*\\.\\d*_-?\\d*\\.\\d*)')
## [1] "85.9_-47.0333"   "71.9333_33.9167" "86.0167_102.433" "80.9_-161.533"