Setup your homework repository

Some of you have already started to setup a homework repository.

  • Create a repository on Github called BIOL-563-lastname-firstname-hw (or rename the repository on Github that you setup in class the other day that was meant for homework).
  • If you have received your Github education discount you can make this repository private and
  • The name of the folder on your computer doesn’t matter, so you can keep it called or whatever you may have already called it (keeping it short and simple can be nice)
  • Add me, jdunic, as a contributor.

Now you’re ready to go!

Submit your homework

  • Post an issue to your repository saying “Homework X - Lastname, Firstname has been submitted!”
  • Tag me, @jdunic, in the description of your issue.
  • Provide a link to the page that contains the homework file that you want me to look at.

  • This is all for now. As class continues, we may revise this. I will keep you posted.