News - September 24, 2015

  • Read the dplyr tutorial for Tuesday!

Exercises: An initial set of exercises that have you practice subsetting vectors can be found here. More exercises will be posted in the exercise section below.

Dplyr questions from Thursday’s class

Homework: A draft of homework 2 is now posted. It may seem a bit long so I may limit how much of it needs to be done. For now, this is a good chance to start practising your plot making.

ggplot2 notes are still in progress. I have posted what is done up to now, but I will continue to clean them up through the week.

News - September 22, 2015

If you missed the readings from last week, you can find them on the Readings page. Make sure you have read the style guides! I will be looking for consistent and easy to read code on your homework!

News - September 11, 2015 On Tuesday we will touch base on how everyone is feeling with Git, so bring questions (or post them on issues page first so that we can solve problems before class). Then we will get started with R!

To prepare for this, check out the first and second lessons (‘Basic Building Blocks’ and ‘Workspace and Files’) in swirl. If some of it is blind following, that’s okay! Bring any questions you have to class!

September 11, 2015 Reminder - regular class times begin: Tuesday / Thursday 9:00 - 10:00

Updates from Friday’s class coming by Sunday night. The walkthroughs that are online now need to have some corrections and clarifications made.

I will be:

September 9th, 2015 We will be using the command line to work with git for the rest of the week. If you would like to go through a simple walkthrough of the terminal commands I’ve posted one here on the Resources page.

Git intro walkthrough is now online if anyone wants to take a sneak peak, or go back over it after class.

Git + RStudio + Rmarkdown walkthrough is also now online. Feel free to review.

September 8th, 2015
Your first task! Go to Assignments and click on the Software installs page.